Benefits of NSR
Other than for calming down, nervous system regulation is beneficial for many other reasons.
Firstly, when you regulate your nervous system, you move into the present moment. Many people are recreating the same past, because they are programmed to expect it. They let their mind linger there, leading their body to anticipate the same failures and disappointments. When they perceive their success, their body gets anxious and wants to stay in the past. This is where all of the feelings of fear and anxiety come up, and the mind may use past instances of failure as "reasons" as to why you cannot have something. But we know this is untrue. Past outcomes do not dictate future results.
Or, they are always anticipating an unfavorable future because their worth and value are not up to par. If right now they are dysregulated and have a low conception of self, when they perceive any future reality, their body will be triggered into feelings of doubt and resistance, because they are using this present consciousness to perceive it, which is dysregulated. Now when they think of a reality where they receive what they want, they instantly reject it because they have told their body and mind to associate their future with failure and disappointment, just like their past.
Nervous system regulation comes in because when you catch yourself thinking negatively about your past or future, you will use regulation techniques that we will discuss later in the program to bring yourself into the present moment and remind yourself of who you are. The past and future don't exist anywhere but the mind. They are figments of imagination able to be controlled and altered by you. The only thing required is your presence. The present moment is the only point of creation.
As stated in earlier lessons, NSR is also beneficial for moving out of unfavorable realities and circumstances. What keeps a lot of people stuck is their constant reaction, whether physical or emotional. We react because we view what we are reacting to as permanent and bigger than us. We are reacting because we are unstable within. In doing this, we are programming our mind and body to expect and become attached to this unfavorable environment. If you can switch from reacting to regulating, you take your power back from the environment and train your body into detachment. From there, it will be much easier to focus on the reality you desire to quantum jump to, because you are no longer anticipating a reason to have to react.
Lesson Summary
Other than for calming down, nervous system regulation is beneficial for many other reasons.
- Regulating your nervous system helps you move into the present moment.
- It stops you from recreating an unfavorable past by placing your focus on it.
- If you anticipate an unfavorable future due to low self-conception, it helps to regulate your system, so you can focus clearly on what you want.
- Nervous system regulation brings you out of past or future-focused dysregulation, allowing you to be present in the only point of creation - the present moment.
Nervous system regulation also aids in moving away from unfavorable realities and circumstances.
- By choosing regulation over reaction, you detach from unfavorable environments and train your body not to anticipate challenges.
- Regulating your nervous system helps manifest different, desired realities by removing emotional and energetic attachments to specific circumstances.
- This detachment allows for a higher self-conception and the assumption of higher realities without being emotionally tied to the past.
In conclusion, the benefits of nervous system regulation include calming you down, bringing you back into the present moment, and removing your attachments to unfavorable circumstances, thereby paving the way for manifesting desired realities.