Using Techniques When Triggered (My 3-Step Formula)

When triggered by fear or self-sabotage, especially when it comes to manifesting your desire, it is important to have a method in place to regulate your nervous system and prevent negative implications. I have a three-step formula for when triggered; NSR, self-concept, new story.

For example, let's say you get triggered because you think about time in relation to your desire and start getting anxious because you are afraid that you may not get what you want. The first thing that you're going to do, is a NSR technique. In this case, let's take deep breathing. You are going to deep breathe and become present. Once you are present, you can then think clearly and start implementing thoughts that will allow you to feel differently.

You are going to start telling yourself how the only moment that exists is this present moment. If you're thinking unfavorably about the future, it is because you think unfavorably about the present, so you must start to make this present moment favorable. From there, start incorporating self-concept and reinforce your power and worthiness. You will tell yourself stories about your worth and deservingness. You will reinforce your position as the operant power of your reality and how you are the only person who has a say so.

Next, move into the new story. Start assuming your desire as yours, by entertaining inner-conversations that support you being in a reality where you possess what you desire. Start slow and ease yourself into this new story. Give yourself permission for what you're saying to be true. Give your reality permission to work out for you.

Lesson Summary

When triggered by fear or self-sabotage in the context of manifesting desires, having a method to regulate your nervous system is crucial to avoid negative consequences. A three-step formula can be applied when triggered:

  • NSR technique to regulate your nervous system, like deep breathing to become present and think clearly.
  • Incorporate self-concept by reinforcing your power and worthiness through positive self-talk.
  • Create a new story by assuming your desire is already yours and gradually ease yourself into this new narrative.

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