Establishing a Routine for Regulation

One of the most effective ways to regulate your nervous system is by establishing a daily routine that promotes calm and balance. It is important that you are regulating your nervous system at least twice a day, and not just when you are triggered. When you only do techniques when you're triggered, you're not actually reprogramming. You're just putting a band aid on a bigger issue, which is that your body is programmed to feel negatively when it comes to specific topics, thoughts, environments, etc. When we regularly regulate daily, it will become our bodies natural response, leading to less unfavorable reactions.

By creating a consistent schedule, you can help your body and mind know what to expect, reducing stress and increasing feelings of safety and security. This routine can include any of the techniques. You can do the same one or two every day, or do a different one every day, it does not matter. You can try different ones and see what resonates for you. There are many techniques, so that you can find what works for you!

When planning your routine for regulation, it's important to consider your individual needs and preferences. What activities help you feel calm and grounded? What times of day do you typically feel most stressed or anxious? By tailoring your routine to suit your specific needs, you can maximize its effectiveness and make it easier to stick to over time. Remember that consistency is key when it comes to regulating your nervous system, so try to set aside dedicated time each day to practice regulation.

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