Regulating Nervous System and the Law of Assumption

Understanding how to regulate your nervous system is essential when it comes to manifesting using the Law of Assumption. Our nervous system plays a crucial role in how we perceive and respond to the world around us. By learning techniques to regulate it, we can enhance our ability to manifest our desires effortlessly.

In this course, you will discover the most optimal techniques to regulate your nervous system, such as deep breathing, somatic exercises, and EFT tapping. These practices will help you become present, dissolve triggers, and be in control of your reactions, shifting you out of realities where unfavorable circumstances exist. By mastering the regulation of your nervous system, you make it easier to think and assume favorable things about yourself and your life, allowing the Law of Assumption to work in your favor, so that you can manifest the life you truly desire.

The law of assumption states: what you assume to be true must be true regardless of circumstances. If you assume you are the person who already has what you want, you will receive it. The thing that stops a lot of people is, when they start to envision themselves as the person who has what they desire, their body and mind automatically reject it. 50% of this is because they have a self-concept that does not support it, which I highlight in the next lesson. But also, their nervous system is programmed to reject their success, and as a result, they keep reacting to and reaffirming everything unfavorable around them, leading them to expect and assume those circumstances, manifesting them over and over.

When we react to undesired circumstances or thoughts, it is because we see these things as having power and control over us (they do not). This means you are energetically and emotionally attached to that specific circumstance or thought pattern. This attachment combined with emotional reaction, creates a home for this unfavorable event to continue to manifest, because you reaffirm its existence through reaction, reinforcing its realness in your mind. When you learn to regulate yourself rather than react, you remove the power you have given this circumstance, and you train your body into a new response. This response will be rooted in detachment rather than attachment. From there, you create a new energetic state for your desires to blossom, rather than block them through constant triggers and reaction.

Lesson Summary

Understanding how to regulate your nervous system is crucial for successful manifestation using the Law of Assumption. Techniques help enhance your ability to manifest effortlessly.

Benefits of regulating your nervous system:

  • Become present
  • Dissolve triggers
  • Control reactions
  • Shift out of unfavorable realities

Mastering nervous system regulation enables easier manifestation through the Law of Assumption:

  • Assume favorable things
  • Remove self-concept barriers
  • Overcome ingrained rejection
  • Prevent reacting and reaffirming negatives

Reactions to undesired circumstances reinforce their existence:

  • Reacting gives power to circumstances
  • Energetic and emotional attachment sustains them
  • Regulate yourself to detach and prevent reaffirmation
  • Create new responses rooted in detachment

Reprogramming the nervous system for successful manifestation:

  • Undo programming through regulatory techniques
  • Regular practice (at least twice daily)
  • Techniques such as deep breathing, EFT tapping, and nature walks
  • Move out of unfavorable circumstances by shifting focus and emotions

Detaching emotions from circumstances allows for positive assumptions:

  • Foster positive assumptions by detaching
  • Control emotions through regulation
  • Recognize emotions do not control you
  • Gain control and stability through self-regulation

The goal is to reach a state of emotional regulation and control, enabling you to decide your reality and truths confidently.

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